Upcoming Events
Equine Herbal Workshop for horse owners
This is a 2-day work shop delivered by Whitethorn Equine Health. Learn how to improve & maintain your horse’s health using herbs, essential oils and minerals. You will have the opportunity to learn how to work with physical issues such as sprains, wounds, laminitis, hormonal imbalances as well as behavioural issues such as fear, anxiety and aggression.

Functional ANatomy & Biomechanics,
Advanced IASTM & Kinesio-Taping Techniques for practitioners
With Dr Solange Mikail
Dr. Solange Mikail is coming to Ireland to teach the fundamentals of kinesiology taping and istrument assisted soft tissue release techniques. This 2-Day intensive course is only available to certified veterinary physios, equine massage therapists & other health-related professionals aswell as vets and farriers.
Equine & Canine Fascia Workshops
with Dr. Mila Speciani
Dr. Mila Speciani is coming to Ireland in July to teach the fundamentals of fascia in the context of biomechanics ofanimal movement, identification and recognition of fascial restrictions, and the main fascial treatment techniques applicable to horses & dogs. There will be two inidvidual workshops and are only available to certified veterinary physios, equine massage therapists & other health-related professionals aswell as vets and farriers