BODYWORX SPORTHORSE PERFORMANCE is an elite Equine bodywork and sports massage service. Bodywork addresses the entire body by specifically targeting the musculoskeletal, circulatory – lymphatic and nervous systems.
An in-depth manual palpation, static and dynamic evaluation of soft tissue and muscle symmetry, along with a full history of the horse, including training, nutrition and negative behaviors noted by the owner is all part and parcel of a bodywork session.
A unique range of techniques are used in a bodywork session according to the individual needs of the horse. These include massage, soft tissue mobilisation, myofascial release, cranialsacral therapy, lengthening and stretching range of motion exercises and specific focal point therapy such as trigger points, acupoints and stress points. Improving muscle function, increasing range of motion, detecting potential triggers of future lameness, identifying compensatory patterns and posture weaknesses, stimulating blood flow and promoting lymphatic drainage will minimise risk of injury, and hence overall well-being and ultimately optimise performance of your horse.
Bodywork also plays an important role in injury recovery and rehabilitation. An in-depth understanding of equine biomechanics allows Ailin to assist riders with a program of discipline specific exercises which are tailored to the horse and rider. Bodyworx™ believes in a team approach to maintaining client horses in peak condition and works closely with vets, farriers and other equine professionals. Referrals to veterinary, physiotherapy, acupuncture, chiropractic and osteopathy will be suggested where necessary.
As you know, horses are always trying to communicate with us and for many people, the feedback from sessions provide some answers to causes of behavioural or performance issues.
- 75 euros
- 75 euros
“Until one has loved an animal a part of one’s soul remains unawakened”
Anatole France