Cranial Sacral Therapy
What is craniosacral therapy and why is it becoming so popular?
Service Description
The cranial rhythm is the pulsation of cranial sacral fluid from the brain through the spinal cord to the sacrum. It is the most primitive rhythm in the body, evolving in utero as the embryonic notochord develops into the central nervous system. Craniosacral therapy was initially developed by Dr. William Sutherland 100 years ago and developed further in the 1970s by osteopathic physician John E. Upledger. The craniosacral system i.e. cranium, spine and sacrum, is encased and connected by the Dura Mater, which is made of facia and bathed in cerebrospinal fluid which pulses approximately every 5 to 7 seconds, 8 to 14 cycles per minute. This rhythm can be felt throughout the body and through assessment of the craniosacral rhythm, the therapist can interpret areas of restriction and sub optimal functioning. Craniosacral therapy is a safe, gentle and effective manual therapy that works by facilitating the body's own natural healing powers to address negative effects/dysfunction/restriction on the central nervous system.
Contact Details
Kilrush, Dungarvan, County Waterford, Ireland